Welcoming people of all faiths and cultures, the goal of the Siddha Yoga path is Self-realization -- the unceasing experience of yoga, or unity with God. Within each of us, behind the mind, the body, the ego, is a divine power. We practice Siddha Yoga to recognize this divine power, the Self, and harmonize all our actions, thoughts, and words with it. Under the guidance of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, as head of the Siddha Yoga lineage, Siddha Yoga students embrace the spiritual practices of yoga including meditation, chanting, dakshina, selfless service, study and contemplation as the means to the goal of Self-realization. The Siddha Yoga teachings spring from the scriptural traditions of Kashmir Shaivism and Vedanta, as well as from the experience of the enlightened Siddha masters. For more information about Siddha Yoga you are warmly invited to visit the Global web site.
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